TM for Women is pleased to offer a series of online seminars with Maharishi Ayurveda expert Laurina Carroll.

Laurina is a Maharishi Ayurveda health educator. She specializes in holistic lifestyle management and holds an M.S. in Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine. With many years of experience, she helps women achieve their health goals. We’re excited to share her expertise in Maharishi Ayurveda through these seminars.


Register for the Seminar Series

All seminars are scheduled for 11:30 AM Pacific, 12:30 Mountain, 1:30 Central, 2:30 Eastern, 3:30 Atlantic.. If you miss a seminar, don’t worry; they will be recorded so you can catch up later.

Each seminar will cover essential Maharishi Ayurvedic principles for good health and provide practical tips. You’ll also get downloadable handouts for future reference.

The seminars will last one hour and include plenty of time for your questions.

Schedule of Seminars

1. How your body type affects your health: Saturday Oct 5, 2024
2. How to balance your hormones at any age: Saturday Nov 2, 2024
3. How to improve you diet for best digestion: Saturday Nov 30
4. How to improve your sleep: Saturday Jan 18
5. The secrets to effective detox: part one: Saturday Feb 15
6. The secrets of effective detox: part two: Mar 15

Each seminar will offer fundamental Maharishi Ayurvedic principals of good health as well as practical tips and handouts you can download for future reference. The seminars will last 1 hour and will allow plenty of time for your questions.

The cost for each seminar is $25.00. If you sign up for all six seminars the sixth one if free.

What is Maharishi Ayurveda?

Maharishi Ayurveda is a holistic and comprehensive system of health care that is derived from the Vedic tradition of India. It emphasises prevention for maintaining radiant health and balanced mind and emotions.

Maharishi Ayurveda awakens your body’s innate intelligence and repair mechanisms to create balance in an individual by considering many facets of life, including the mind, body, behaviour and environment. It is personalized integrative medicine that uses prevention to elimiate chronic disease.

Ayurveda holds that disease is primarily the result of imbalances and impurities that accumulate in the body over time. The specialty of Ayurveda is in diagnosing imbalances at an early stage—before symptoms of disease arise—eliminating those imbalances from the body, and teaching each person how to live a healthy, balanced life, according to their unique mind/body makeup.

A proper understanding of Maharishi Ayurveda includes

  1. Knowing the importance of prevention Recognizing that food is medicine: the right food at the right time can create balance
  2. Emphasizing the importance of good digestion
  3. Utilizing the healing power of herbs
  4. Practising healthy daily and seasonal routines

Register for the Seminar Series