You’ve been preparing for university for years—taking SATs, shoring up your GPA, showing up for those extracurriculars. And likely you were secretly thrilled to be on your own when your parents dropped you off.
So why do you suddenly feel so homesick?
According to research, homesickness is a common reaction to being separated from familiar people, pets and places back home. And you’re not the only one. In fact, over 90 percent of new students experience moderate homesickness, according to a Skyfactor report.
Fortunately, homesickness at university usually passes within a few weeks. The rollercoaster of emotions has three phases, experts say: first you’re enjoying the novelty of new experiences (the honeymoon phase), then suddenly you’re in shock (moping in your dorm room). But soon comes the recovery phase, when you start to feel normal again.
Here are some steps to help.
Ride this rollercoaster to the finish line and you’ll be prepared to manage any major change in your life.